
Increasing patient compliance with recommended screening and prevention testing, especially for those most at-risk for complications, can truly save lives. At CliniCentric, we believe technology and data can help meet this challenge through CareQuest, a development-level application that seeks to democratize care management activities.

CareQuest leverages the Ascendence/PCDR application, the Convergence API, and the power of the HIE data flow to send focused alerts into the patient’s electronic health record (EHR). These alerts can quickly and easily inform providers of requested or overdue screening and testing.

A (Potential) Care Quest Success Story

Ms. Marion Jones* arrived to the emergency department with complaints of a warm, swollen right leg.  A workup revealed a cellulitis. Because Ms. Jones had diabetes and a host of other comorbidities (renal insufficiency, peripheral vascular disease, and other underlying conditions) she was admitted to the floor for IV antibiotics. 

Ms. Jones spent three days in the hospital receiving IV antibiotics, and the hospitalist team checked on her progress every day. She missed work and an important family event while she received her twice daily dose of antibiotics. Because of her busy schedule, she was also several years overdue for a mammogram. 

Fortunately, when the CareQuest application algorithmically assessed her HIE record, it added a focused alert into Ms. Jones’ EHR, advising the treating team that her mammogram was badly overdue. An automated request was made that it be done, so long as the screening wouldn’t extend her stay or interfere with her treatment plan.

Thanks to the CareQuest alert, Ms. Jones received a routine mammogram during her stay to get her back on schedule. On this much-needed screening, early stage 1 breast cancer was discovered. Ms. Jones was diagnosed while an inpatient, saving her not only another missed day of work, but more importantly, the life-saving option of early and less invasive treatment before her breast cancer could spread.  

With CareQuest, some of the most at-risk patients those with multiple comorbidities, and challenging social determinants of health (transportation problems, food insecurity, and others)  can have their care maximized once they enter the medical system for treatment. 

Because of a single, automated CareQuest alert, Ms. Jones can see her grandchildren grow up. She was able to avoid the often devastating treatment and outcomes around advanced stage breast cancer, all because her treatment team was given an opportunity to do more good for Ms. Jones while she was under their care.

*Name and exact details are fictitious.

Learn More About Partnering with CliniCentric

If you would like to learn more about working with CliniCentric, and how you can help make your HIE's data a routine and valuable part of patient care, please complete the form below and we will be in touch.