About Us
Who We Are
CliniCentric is a physician-led software company with deep experience in developing software applications that clinicians across the healthcare spectrum truly appreciate and use during individual patient encounters. We also recognize the importance of business intelligence, billing and coding, data science, and research and support these disciplines downstream from our clinician-centered approach, thereby ensuring the overall goal of healthcare (patient wellness) is supported through every one of our applications.
Our Leadership

Dr. James (Jim) Huizenga
Dr. Jim Huizenga is our physician leader. Part of the class of 2000 from the University of Michigan, Jim came to clinical medicine with a decade of fighter pilot experience in the USAF and years of software design and programming experience. Trained and Board Certified in Emergency Medicine and Flight Medicine with the USAF, he has practiced clinically for 20 years and simultaneously engineered, developed, and deployed several healthcare tech solutions. A holder of multiple healthcare data and analytic patents, Dr. Huizenga continues to listen, work, evolve, and grow in the healthcare technology space.

Brian Breneman
Brian Breneman is our Chief Technology Officer and has 30 years of professional experience in software engineering. He specializes in the architecture of highly complex systems and has worked for small and medium sized businesses, state government, and Fortune 500 companies. For the past 12 years he has worked almost exclusively on a number of novel healthcare applications, and is a holder of patents in healthcare data and analytics. Brian is also active as a professional musician (trumpet) and is a graduate of Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH.

Dorothea J. Trimble, MSA, RN, CPHQ
Dorothea Trimble is our care management expert. She has over 20 years of progressive leadership experience across the continuum of care, within integrated health care systems and managed care, including government programs. She has developed and implemented care management programs in the primary care and emergency department settings. She is passionate about gaining insight from data to align people and processes to achieve measurable, sustained improvement. Dorothea is a registered nurse with a MS degree in administration/leadership from Central Michigan University and is certified in healthcare quality.

Paul Groll manages our security and compliance. He is a thought leader across a broad range of traditional and emerging technologies, with expertise in network and data security, cryptography, scientific and mathematical computing, information and data architecture, and process and automation design. Paul studies and practices extensively to remain up to date with IETF, NIST, IoT, blockchain, and other emerging technologies and standards. He is active in multiple cybersecurity, health-related, and government-focused computing associations including ISSA, ISC2, HIMSS, NASTD, and ISACA.
Our Consultants

Dr Mark Nigogosyan
Dr. Nigogosyan is our staff radiologist. For 32 years he has specialized in Musculoskeletal radiology and Ultrasound at Gundersen Health System in La Crosse, Wisconsin. During much of that time Mark has been the medical director of the PACS Project, overseeing the deployment and management of PACS and related applications. He is also involved in system integration projects related to PACS and the Electronic Medical Record. Mark is co-founder of RadMapps, a program designed to automatically structure radiology procedure codes, which has become a foundational element within CliniCentric’s technology stack.

Joel Lidstrom
Joel came to be our radiology terminology expert through a circuitous but highly effective pathway. Already established as one of the nation’s premier grand piano restoration artists, Joel began working after hours as a database and natural language processing programmer for radiologic studies. More than 10 years of continued effort, and wide exposure to PACS, EHR, and billing based radiologic terminology, led to a substantial and utterly unique body of work. Initially employed in the service of his co-founded RadMapps program, Joel’s technology was acquired and put into service as a bedrock technology component within CliniCentric.